What is the difference between Japanese ice cream and other country’s one?

Hi there!

I’m Kou. Now, I work in the ice cream department of a Japanese food company.

I love to eat ice cream. So I’ve eaten ice cream from around the world.


Today, I’d like to share what is the difference between Japanese ice cream and other countries.


What type of ice cream is popular in Japan

In the sales field, most sales ice cream is novelty type which is about 63% of sales.

The second sales ice cream is multi-pack ice cream type which is about 26% of sales.

It’s just 10% of people buy ice cream at ice cream shops.


So, many Japanese people tend to buy ice cream at supermarkets or convenience stores not at ice cream shops.

That’s why many ice cream makers make lots of variety of ice cream.

Especially, ice cream for one person is the main sales.


What are the looks like of Japanese ice cream?

I have many non-Japanese friends. 

When they come to Japan, almost all of them are surprised at Japanese ice cream.

Because there are so many fancy shapes and high quality of them.

Of course, popular ice cream is a popsicle, cone ice cream, and cup ice cream, but you can find other shapes of it.


For example, mochi ice cream is really popular with both non-Japanese people and Japanese people.

It is a vanilla ice cream covered by mochi.

the mochi is very soft and chewy, even though it’s kept in the freezer.

The reason is the company doesn’t use simple mochi. They use gyuuhi which is normally used by daifuku and some Japanese traditional food.


If you want to know more information about famous Japanese ice cream, this blog is good for you.


Do you like Japanese ice cream? In Japan, almost all people buy prepackaged ones. So you can find it easily anywhere in[…]


How much does it cost?

In Japan, most of all foods are high quality but affordable price.

Of course, ice cream is also the same situation.


At supermarkets, almost all ice cream is sold for around 100 yen.

Sometimes you can find it less than 100 yen.

However, it is used fresh milk and fruits. That’s why the taste of it is really nice.


The reason for that is Japanese people want great value for money.

As you know, the Japanese car industry is really high quality. However, it is not much expensive.

So that, the food industry in Japan is also the same.


If you want to know more about Japanese ice cream

If you want to know more about Japanese ice cream, please check this blog.


In Japan, there are lots of ice cream brands. Each brand has characteristic features. I work in the Japanese ice cream[…]


In Japan, there are many food companies and they make high-quality ice cream.

That blog makes it clear what is the feature of those company’s ice cream.

After reading it, please find your favorite one at supermarkets or convenience stores!